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어셈블리어 - MASM프로그래밍 언어/서브루틴 2013. 6. 4. 20:20
TITLE Calculating a Factorial (Fact.asm) .386.MODEL flat,stdcallINCLUDE SmallWin.inc.STACK 4096 .codemain PROCpush 12; calculate 12 factorialcall Factorial; calculate factorial (eax)INVOKE ExitProcess,0main ENDP Factorial PROCpush ebpmov ebp,espmov eax,[ebp+8]; get ncmp eax,0; n < 0?ja L1; yes: continuemov eax,1; no: return 1jmp L2 L1: dec eaxpush eax; Factorial(n-1)call Factorial mov ebx,[ebp+8..
NSIS(Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)프로그래밍 언어/규격 2013. 5. 28. 19:39
* Installer Attributes # 디렉티브?> General AttributesOutFileinstallDirRequestExecutionLevel # {user|admin}InstTypeXPStyle- interface settingsLicenseTextIconCheckBitmapInstallColors * page commandsPageUninstPage * Section CommandssectionsectionEndSectionIn * Variables * InstructionswriteUninstallersetOutPathFiledeleteExecShellcreateShortCut SectionGetFlagsSectionSetFlags FindWindowGetDlgItemSendMess..
integer2string알고리즘 2013. 5. 27. 19:27
.equ ST_VALUE, 8.equ ST_BUFFER, 12 .globl integer2string.type integer2string, @functioninteger2string:pushl %ebpmovl %esp, %ebp movl $0, %ecxmovl ST_VALUE(%ebp), %eaxmovl $10, %ediconversion_loop:movl $0, %edxdivl %edi addl $'0', %edxpushl %edxincl %ecxcmpl $0, %eaxje end_conversion_loopjmp conversion_loop end_conversion_loop:movl ST_BUFFER(%ebp), %edxcopy_reversing_loop:popl %eaxmovb %al, (%edx..
Program Virtual Memory Layout - LinuxPlatform/기타 2013. 5. 26. 17:35
The actual instructions (the .text section) are loaded at the address 0x08048000. The .data sectionthe .bss section.the heapdynamic memory allocationUnmapped Memorythe number of argumentsthe program's command-line argumentsthe program's environment variablesthe null-terminated name of the program using ASCII charactersAt the bottom of the stack, there is a word of memory that is zero.location 0x..