NetBeans개발/IDE 2012. 7. 26. 16:36
AWT 한글 깨질 때[Project Properties|Run|VM Options]"-Dfile.encoding=MS949"
the WinAsm Studio IDE개발/IDE 2012. 2. 26. 18:08
the WinAsm Studio IDE a free Integrated Development Environment IDE for developing 32-bit Windows and 16-bit DOS programs using the Assembler The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) is supported inherently the FASM Add-In adds support for FASM and other assemblers intellisense which will assist you in creating Windows API based programs user-created add-ins Includes a powerful Visual Resource Editor
Eclipse개발/IDE 2009. 7. 15. 01:18
D:\eclipse-workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects-Eclipse 3.0 2004.06.28 3.0Eclipse 3.1 2005.06.28 3.1Callisto(칼리스토) 2006.06.30 3.2Europa(유로파) 2007.06.27 3.3Ganymede(가니메데) 2008.06.25 3.4Galileo(갈릴레오) 2009.06.24 3.5Helios(헬리오스) 2010.06.23 3.6eclipse 3.7 = indigo 인디고 2011 WTP(Web Tools Platform)Java EE 개발자 버전 C:\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tm..