자바Platform/프로세스 2013. 6. 29. 23:12
Objectsynchronized.wait().notify() Runnable // java.lang.Thread implements Runnable.sleep() // static .start().join() java.util.concurrent.Callable // interface; since java.util.concurrent.Future // interface; since 1.5.get() Process java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() // static; ExecutorService.newCachedThreadPool() // static; ExecutorService.newF..
기타Platform/DB 2013. 6. 13. 01:59
Dynamic SQL # 문자열the standard database persistence framework JDBC # JavaADO.NET # .NET Object/relational mappingto simplify persistence of objects by eliminating SQL from the developer’s responsibility altogether. Instead, the SQL is generated. iBATISpersistence layer frameworkthe SQL is relatively independent of any particular language or platformdeals with relational databases of all kinds and..
Program Virtual Memory Layout - LinuxPlatform/기타 2013. 5. 26. 17:35
The actual instructions (the .text section) are loaded at the address 0x08048000. The .data sectionthe .bss section.the heapdynamic memory allocationUnmapped Memorythe number of argumentsthe program's command-line argumentsthe program's environment variablesthe null-terminated name of the program using ASCII charactersAt the bottom of the stack, there is a word of memory that is zero.location 0x..
어셈블리어 - LinuxPlatform/File(장치 IO) 2013. 5. 13. 23:18
.section .data .equ SYS_OPEN, 5.equ SYS_WRITE, 4.equ SYS_READ, 3 .equ SYS_CLOSE, 6.equ SYS_EXIT, 1 .equ O_RDONLY, 0.equ O_CREAT_WRONLY_TRUNC, 03101 .equ STDIN, 0.equ STDOUT, 1.equ STDERR, 2 .equ LINUX_SYSCALL, 0x80 .equ END_OF_FILE, 0 .section .bss.equ BUFFER_SIZE, 500.lcomm BUFFER_DATA, BUFFER_SIZE .section .text .equ ST_SIZE_RESERVE, 8.equ ST_FD_IN, -4 # input file descriptor.equ ST_FD_OUT, -8..
jQueryPlatform/Environment 2013. 2. 4. 19:17
크로스 브라우저 JavaScript 라이브러리 셀렉터페이지에 있는 대상 엘리먼트를 기술 자식 셀렉터어트리뷰트 셀렉터컨트롤의 초기 상태밖에 확인하지 못한다필터 셀렉터기본 셀렉터를 필터링c.f. CSS 의사 클래스 참조 사이트: