IP Helper APIPlatform/Environment 2010. 7. 18. 01:27
IP Helper APIs // Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4, Windows 98 GetNetworkParams() GetAdaptersInfo() GetPerAdapterInfo() Interface GetInterfaceInfo() GetIfTable() GetIfEntry() SetIfEntry() SetIpTTL() IP Address GetIpAddrTabl() ARP Table GetIpNetTable() // retrieves the IP-to-physical address mapping table SetIpNetEntry() DeleteIpNetEntry() Route Table GetBestInterface() GetIpForwardTable() SetIpForw..
MAC 주소Platform/Environment 2010. 7. 17. 18:59
GetInterfaceInfo() GetIfTable() MIB_IFTABLE .dwNumEntries .table[] // MIB_IFROW .bDescr .dwType MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET .dwPhysAddrLen .bPhysAddr[] GetAdaptersInfo() 와이브로나 티로그인, 기타 CDMA,(Wiress LAN, 일명 Wi-Fi) 장치 IP_ADAPTER_INFO .Index .AdapterName .Description .AddressLength .Address[] .IpAddressList[] .IpAddress .IpMask .GatewayList .IpAddress .IpMask .DhcpEnabled .DhcpServer .IpAddress .IpMask Ge..
시그널 - POSIXPlatform/Environment 2010. 3. 24. 22:40
sigaction() //signal() SIGINT SIGPIPE SIG_IGN signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #include static void handler(int sig) { ... } int main(void) { int state; struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler=handler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags=0; state=sigaction(SIGINT, &act, 0); if(state != 0){ puts("sigaction() error "); exit(1); } ... } #include static void handler(int sig) { signal(SIGINT, handler); .....
쉘 - NSISPlatform/Environment 2009. 12. 30. 13:35
# create a start menu itemSetShellVarContext allcreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\new shortcut.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"create a shortcut named "new shortcut" in the start menu programs directory SetShellVarContext alldelete "$SMPROGRAMS\new shortcut.lnk" !include "FileFunc.nsh" ${RefreshShellIcons} # to add entries to the "Add/Remove Programs" section in the Control PanelWriteRegStr HKLM "Softwar..
NSISPlatform/Environment 2009. 12. 30. 10:23
$DESKTOP $INSTDIR installDir # define the directory to install to ${NSISDIR} $SMPROGRAMS the start menu programs directory SetShellVarContext 명령어 $STARTMENU $QUICKLAUNCH SHCTX or SHELL_CONTEXT $PROGRAMFILES HKLM -- $LOCALAPPDATA HKCU 참조 사이트:
WindowsPlatform/Environment 2009. 11. 24. 17:31
Windows API ATL MFC C# // Java 3.51 Windows NT 3.51 // 3 4.0 Windows 95 (OSR2) // 4.0 Internet Explorer 1.0(August 1995) Windows NT 4.0 Workstation // 4.1, 0x0400 Internet Explorer 1.5 서비스 팩 6a Windows NT 4.0 Server Standard/Enterprise // 4.3 Internet Explorer 2.0(November 1995) Internet Explorer 3.0(August 1996) // _WIN32_IE>=0x0300, Internet Explorer 3.0, 3.01, 3.02 Internet Explorer 4.0(Septe..
자동 시작Platform/Environment 2009. 11. 13. 18:08
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function Name // SetRegistyStartProgram // // Parameters // bAutoExec[in] : TRUE이면 시작프로그램 레지스트리에 등록, FALSE면 해제 // lpValueName[in] : 설정할 값의 이름 // lpExeFileName[in] : 실행시킬 프로그램 Full 경로 (NULL 일수 있음, 단, bAutoExec값이 FALSE이여야 함) // // Return Values // 시작프로그램 레지스트리에 등록/헤제 성공이면 TRUE, 실패면 FALSE // static BOOL SetRegistyStartProgram(BOOL bAutoE..