툴팁GUI/컨트롤 2011. 6. 22. 00:10
도구 모음(CToolBar)에는 툴팁을 출력하는 기능이 내장되어 있다. CBRS_TOOLTIPS CToolTipCtrl .Create() .AddTool() .RelayEvent() class CToolTipDlg : public CDialog { // Construction public: CToolTipDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor CToolTipCtrl m_ctrlTT; // Dialog Data //{{AFX_DATA(CToolTipDlg) enum { IDD = IDD_TOOLTIP_DIALOG }; CEdit m_ctrlEdit; .. //}}AFX_DATA .. }; BOOL CToolTipDlg::OnInitDialog() { ....
툴바 2 - MFCGUI/컨트롤 2011. 6. 21. 22:20
CToolBarCtrl .Create() .AddBitmap() .AddStrings() .AddButtons() TBBUTTON .fsStyle TBSTYLE_BUTTON|TBSTYLE_SEP .fsState TBSTATE_ENABLED .iString .iBitmap .idCommand .dwData .AutoSize() class CToolBarCtrlDlg : public CDialog { // Construction public: CToolBarCtrlDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor CToolBarCtrl m_Bar; // Dialog Data //{{AFX_DATA(CToolBarCtrlDlg) enum { IDD = IDD_TOOLB..
트래커GUI/컨트롤 2011. 5. 23. 17:24
CRectTracker m_nStyle CRectTracker::resizeInside CRectTracker::resizeOutside CRectTracker::dottedLine CRectTracker::solidLine CRectTracker::hatchInside CRectTracker::hatchedBorder m_rect .Track() .TrackRubberBand() .Draw() .GetTrueRect() .HitTest() .SetCursor() class CTrackerView : public CView { protected: // create from serialization only CTrackerView(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CTrackerView) // Attr..
Ribbon UIGUI/컨트롤 2011. 4. 1. 16:07
CWinAppEx CMDIFrameWndEx, CFrameWndEx .DockPane() CMDIChildWndEx CMFCStatusBar Ribbon Bar(리본 메뉴) CMFCRibbonBar .OnCreate() .SetApplicationButton() .AddMainCategory() .AddCategory() CMFCRibbonQuickAccessToolBar CMFCRibbonCategory .AddPanel() CMFCRibbonPanel .Add() CMFCRibbonApplicationButton The application button for the ribbon .SetImage() .SetToolTipText() .SetText() CMFCRibbonMainPanel 보통 File..
차일드 컨트롤 - MFCGUI/컨트롤 2009. 10. 28. 09:09
CStatic m_CaptionCtrl; CFont m_Font; void CHardwarePage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CNewWizPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CHardwarePage) DDX_Control(pDX, ST_CAPTION, m_CaptionCtrl); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BOOL CHardwarePage::OnInitDialog() { CNewWizPage::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here // { m_Font.CreateFont(-16, 0, 0, 0, FW_BOLD, FALSE, FALSE, 0, DEFAUL..
그리드 컨트롤 - MFCGUI/컨트롤 2009. 8. 27. 15:23
CGridCtrl .SetEditable() .SetListMode() .EnableDragAndDrop() .SetTextBkColor() .SetRowCount() .GetRowCount() .SetColumnCount() .GetColumnCount() 헤더 필드의 갯수(?) .SetFixedRowCount() .SetFixedColumnCount() .SetItem() .SetItemBkColour() .SetItemFgColour() .SetItemState() .GetItemState() .AutoSize() .SetRowHeight() .GetRowHeight() #include "GridCtrl.h" class CGridDlg : public CDialog { // Construction ..