WebBrowser Control - MFCActiveX/컨트롤 2009. 8. 12. 15:27
CWebBrowser2 .Create() .Navigate2() .Navigate() .GoHome() Microsoft 웹브라우저 컨트롤 추가하기 Project -> Add To Project -> Components and Controls Resigtered ActiveX Controls -> Microsoft웹 브라우저 #include "WebBrowser2.h" class CTryView : public CView { // { CWebBrowser2 m_search; // } protected: // create from serialization only CTryView(); ... // Generated message map functions protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CTryVi..
Windows Internet Explorer - C++ActiveX/인터넷 익스플로러 2009. 8. 10. 17:59
ShellWindows::IShellWindows .GetCount() IWebBrowser2 .GetLocationName() .GetDocument() // IHTMLDocument2 IHTMLDocument2 .Gettitle() .get_body() // IHTMLElement IHTMLElement .get_outerHTML() IObjectWithSite // BHO COM Server SetSite() IUnknown IWebBrowser // ExDisp.h .GoBack() .GoForward() .GoHome() .GoSearch() .Refresh() .Refresh2() .Stop() .get_Application() .get_Parent() .get_Container() .get_..
WebBrowser Control - C++ActiveX/컨트롤 2009. 8. 10. 15:56
WebBrowser Control IDispatch IWebBrowser2 .ReadyState READYSTATE_COMPLETE .Navigate2() .get_Document() // IDispatch -> IHTMLDocument2 .get_StatusText() on DownloadBegin on DocumentComplete on DownloadComplete IOleObject IHTMLWindow2 IHTMLDocument2 .get_all() .get_parentWindow() // IHTMLWindow2 IHTMLElementCollection .item() .tags // IHTMLElementCollection IHTMLElement a connectable object IConne..
데이터 타입 - MFCActiveX/Automation 2009. 8. 9. 00:08
// BSTR COleVariant // VARIANT COleCurrency // CURRENCY (VT_CY) COleDateTime // DATE (VT_DATE) COleSafeArray // SAFEARRAY .GetUBound() .GetElement() OLE_HANDLE HWND //Create the SAFEARRAY from the VARIANT ret. COleSafeArray sa(ret); //Determine the array's dimensions. long lNumRows; long lNumCols; sa.GetUBound(1, &lNumRows); sa.GetUBound(2, &lNumCols); //Display the elements in the SAFEARRAY. lo..
자동화 - MFCActiveX/Office 2009. 8. 8. 22:30
* 엑셀 // to automate Microsoft Excel 97, Excel 2000, or Excel 2002 1. 새로운 MFC 어플리케이션 프로젝트를 생성한다. 2. 자동화 서버의 타입 라이브러리로 부터 래퍼 클래스(IDispatch)를 생성한다. Microsoft Excel 97 Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library // Excel8.olb, excel8.h Microsoft Excel 2000 Microsoft Excel 9.0 Type Library C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Excel9.olb // excel9.h Microsoft Excel 2002 // OfficeXP Microsoft Excel 10.0 Typ..
Add-In - C++ActiveX/Office 2009. 8. 8. 22:26
IDTExensibility2 the Microsoft Add-In Designer Type Library (Msaddndr.dll) OnConnection OnDisconnection OnAddInsUpdate a COM add-in is installed or removed OnStartupComplete OnBeginShutdown ComAddin.h 참조 사이트: